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WERNICH John Nepomucene (1846-1910)

Name: WERNICH John Nepomucene
Born: February 21, 1846
Place Born: Elbing, East Prussia Germany
Ordained: September 13, 1869 St Louis MO
In Service: 1880-1888
Died: March 30, 1910 Wadena MN St Ann’s Calvary Cemetery Priests Circled Wadena MN

Obituary from: Find-A-Grave website

The Wadena Pioneer Journal, March 31, 1910

Rev. Father John Wernich Passed Away Last Evening at 10:30
Funeral Tomorrow Morning at 9 O’clock, conducted by Bishop Trobec

Rev. Father John Wernich, pastor of St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church, passed away at 10:30 last evening, following an illness of nearly three weeks duration. His death was due to gall stones, from which he had suffered more or less for a long time. His condition gradually grew worse and the attending physician advised an operation, but the patient declined to submit to the knife, saying that he was an old man, too old to entertain the thought of undergoing so serious an operation. Upon his return from a trip to St. Cloud, he was taken very sick and a physician was called. His condition continued to grow steadily worse. Little could be done except to make his final hours as comfortable as possible.

Few people in Wadena knew of the passing away of this goof old man until this morning, when the solemn tolling of the bells brought them to a realization of what had happened. General and sincere regret was expressed at the death of Father Wernich, who during his comparatively brief pastorate here, had endeared himself to all the people. Father Wernich was a truly good man, and he was universally beloved throughout the community. He died at the age of 72, having rounded out a long life fraught with hardships and privations. He feared not death and was entirely resigned during the last days on earth. He received callers daily during the last two weeks and conversed freely and cheerfully with all visitors. It is seldom that one of God’s ministers holds the esteem and universal good will of the people of a community as did Father Wernich that of his Wadena irrespective of church affiliations. His death is a great loss to the Church and to the community.

At another time the Pioneer Journal hopes to review at more length the life and the works of Father Wernich. He had an eventful career and has rendered noble service during his long years of labor in the Master’s vineyard. He was a native of Germany and entered the ministry early in life. He first became a minister of the German Lutheran church, but was a convert to Roman Catholicism and was a priest for 43 years. On coming to America he labored on the frontier under Bishop Marty, and for several years he was stationed as a missionary in south Dakota.

He suppled many small missions in the early days, and traveled over the plains by whatever means came to hand. Much of his traveling he accomplished on horseback. He suffered many hardships and privations, which were shared by his superior, and when Bishop Marty was assigned to the St. Cloud diocese he asked Father Wernich to come here with him. Of late years Father Wernich has worked in different charges in the St. Cloud diocese. It will have been two years ago next June that he came to Wadena to assume the pastorate of St. Ann’s church. During his work here the parish has advanced spiritually and materially, and the congregation is united and harmonious to a degree never equaled, perhaps, in the past. As an evidence of the kind of man he was, it may be stated that Father Wernich has raised no less than sixteen orphan children, several of whom are now priests and all of whom have developed into worthy men and women.

Father Wernich expressed the wish that his funeral be conducted with as much simplicity as possible. He requested that his body be not embalmed, and it has been arranged to hold the funeral from the church tomorrow, (Friday) morning at 9 o’clock. Bishop Trobec will arrive this afternoon from St. Cloud, and a number of priests from various parishes in the diocese will be present at the funeral.
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Ordained 13 Sep 1869

Categories: Priest's Necrology.