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WADE James Joseph (1867-1919)

Name: Wade, James Joseph
Born: 9 August 1867
Where Born: Madison, Indiana
Ordained: 24 June 1893
Where Ordained: Indianapolis, Indiana
Served From-To: 1893-1919
Died: 24 December 1919
Where Died: Indianapolis, Indiana – Holy Cross Rectory
Buried: Holy Cross Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana – Section 3-F, Family Lot-106 on 29 December 1919.

Find-A-Grave website

The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, Friday, 26 Dec 1919, Page 9:
Rector of Holy Cross Catholic Church Dies at 52 Years
The Rev. James J. Wade, rector of Holy Cross Catholic Church, Oriental and Ohio streets for fifteen years, died at the rectory Wednesday afternoon at 3:15 o’clock at the age of 52 years. He had been in ill health since the development of organic heart trouble four years ago.
Father Wade was born in Madison, Ind., in 1867. His first years of service in the priesthood were spent at St. John’s Church in Indianapolis. For a number of years he had charge of a parish in Liberty, Ind.
Highly Successful.

He was highly successful in developing Holy Cross parish. In recent years he had the assistance of the Rev. John A. Shank and the Rev. Augustus Fussenegger in the conduct of church affairs. He retained an active interest in all phases of the work, however, until his death, despite ill health.
The funeral service will be held Monday morning at Holy Cross Church. Arrangements for the service have not been completed.

The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, Tuesday, 30 Dec 1919, Page 14:
Funeral services for the Rev. James J. Wade, rector of Holy Cross Catholic Church, were held at 9 o’clock yesterday morning at the Holy Cross Church. Bishop Joseph Chartrand sang the pontifical requiem high mass and the rev. Robert Gratt delivered the sermon. Deacons of honor were the Rev. Joseph Goerdon and the Rev. Timothy Kavanaugh; deacons in mass, Joseph Coehlaus and Michael Halpin. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery and Michael Halpin. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery. The Rev. Mr. Wade had been rector of the Holy Cross parish for fifteen years. He was ordained in 1893 at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral here and his first charge was St. John’s Church here. He was formerly in charge of a church at Liberty, Ind.

US Passport Applications, State of Indiana, County of Marion, dated 11 Sep 1907: James J Wade, Age 41; Birth 9 Aug 1867 in Madison, Indiana, Father a naturalized citizen of the USA; Residence Indianapolis, Indiana; Occupation Priest; Passport #40386 issued 11 Sep 1907
[From the Find-A-Grave website]

Categories: Priest's Necrology.