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Necrology of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis
WEILAND Mathias Henry (1882-1931)
WEINZAPFEL Anthony Augustine (1898-1976)
WEINZAPFEL Lawrence Joseph, VF (1907-1987)
WEINZAPFEL Roman (1813-1895)
WALPOLE Robert Joseph (1915-1971)
WALSH Charles Fergus (1895-1981)
WALSH John Aloysius (1883-1927)
WALSH John Stanley (1912-1961)
WALDON Clarence Richard (1938-2005)
WALKER Fintan Glenn, Msgr, PhD (1896-1950)
WALLACE Robert CSC (1849-1854)
WAGNER Charles Joseph (1867-1925)
WAGNER Michael (1873-1936)
WAGNER Paul (1832-??)
VOLLMUTH William Edward (1915-1960)
WACK William (1859-1917)
WADE James Joseph (1867-1919)
WAEBER Peter Joseph CPPS (1850-1851)
VOGES Bernard Francis (1925-1980)
VOGT John Peter (1807-1861)
VOIGT Paul Perrette (1932-2006)
VOLLMER Joseph Theodore (1908-1981)
VOLLMER Theodore John, VF (1885-1956)
VILLARS Jean-Marie Baptiste (1818-1868)
VINCIUS John Ladislaus (1891-1974)